San Jose Electric Vehicle and Solar Home Tour
Date: Saturday, October 5th, 2002
Time: Homes open from 10am to 4pm
Recommended $15 per carload donation to Northern California Solar Energy Association
Mike Thompson
Website: (this page)
408-981-2049 cell w/ voice mail
Self guided tour of San Jose area homes
including a True Zero Emission Vehicle (TZEV) GM EV1 Electric Vehicle and home powered
by a 7.2kW, 30kWh/day
Solar Electric (PV) system which will pay for itself in
about 6 years, 12% annualized return on investment.
Note that when the PV system changed to PG& E-7 TOU rates on 6/1/2001 the
bidirectional meter was initialized to read 50000 kWh total and 50000 on-peak.
As of 9/23/2002, it reads 49946 total and 47230 on-peak. So its generated all
the electricity used by the house and the Electric Vehicle and put some back
in the grid, especially during the critical on-peak period helping to prevent blackouts!
Click images for larger image. (Some images don't have larger version.)

EV + PV BAAQMD Clean Air Champion
I've gotten some good press on my system, including
this BBC article.
Solar Electric (PV) Information
Electric Vehicle + PV (or other 0 emissions energy) = TZEV
- People
who are driving with ZERO emissions everywhere or working toward that goal.
My Solar Electric (PV) System
A few general resources
- My Solar Electric (PhotoVoltaic) installer
M C Solar
$4.50/Watt!!! Solar Electric (PV) / Wind buydown via California Energy Comission.
- Solar incentives database find other incentives for CA or your state.
Northern California Solar Energy Association
Excellent annual solar home tours where you can visit homes and meet
the system owners. Working, reliable installations of solar electric
photoVoltaic (PV) solar hot water, passive solar heating and cooling, etc.
A real, Can't Miss, Solar Awakening!
- Home Power
Magazine. The hands-on journal of home-made power. Most Excellent!
Current issue online in .pdf format for FREE download. Invaluable!..
Well, free actually!
- Real Goods
Retail / online vendor of renewable energy and related items.
They even have a store in Los Gatos, CA. See link for address, phone,
other locations. Disclocure: I own some Real Goods Stock because I think
they're doing some of the right things.
Utility intertie / rate information, specifically PG&E
Archived from 20010110...