Electric Vehicle Email Discussion List Instructions

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The EV Electric Vehicle Discussion Mailing List is intended to provide a forum to discuss the current state of the art and future direction of electric vehicles. It is *not* intended to discuss either EV appropriateness or comparisons with other transportation primary drive modes such as the venerable internal combustion engine. Those "discussions" are best relegated to the appropriate usenet newsgroup.

EV List Instructions:

Be prepared when you subscribe to the EV list to receive over 100 email messages per day.


First, bookmark this page and and check the EV List Intructions. If you need more help, you may contact one of the EV List administrators below.

List administrators
whoemailweb site
Mike Chancey OMSLEIAVTRLP@spammotel.com
David Roden rod864 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Mark Bahlke (Sysop) mbahlke@pcocd2.intel.com
Clyde R. Visser, KD6GWN cvisser@cyberg8t.com http://www.cyberg8t.com/cvisser

EV List Archives

ArchiveformatAd basedsinceCompletehostNotes
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ev/ digestAd based-2yearsNoYahoo Groups Search only searches a few messages at once. Started 6/25/1998 but only last 2 years of messages due to Yahoo! 64MB limit
http://www.mail-archive.com/ev@listproc.sjsu.edu/ digestAd free10/4/2002yesthe Mail Archive

Obsolete Crest archive:
http://www.crest.org/discussion/ev/current/ since 8/1997.
Update: I'm phasing out this archive. Tired of paying real money to a lame ISP.
Archive sponsor and administrator: m.t.thompson@ieee.org  [madkatz]

EV List Photo Album

EV List Photo Album

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Hybrid vehicle lists, MUCH dirtier than an EV, but cleaner than gasoline and a necessary evil... Now if we could get more Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) on the road...

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